Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is an essential part of everything we do at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
We are committed to ensuring that no job applicant, employee, service user, carer or member of the public is discriminated against either directly or indirectly, on grounds of gender, gender reassignment/identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil partnership status, disability, race/ethnicity, religion or belief, pregnancy/maternity status or age.
Across the Trust, a range of groups are working to help us to become a more inclusive employer. Our staff networks play a crucial role in exploring relationships trust-wide and advancing opportunities for all staff, helping underrepresented communities continue to feel they belong here.
The LGBT+ Network is open to all LGBT+ Employees and Involvement Volunteers and gives individuals the opportunity to discuss issues and concerns in confidence, to share good practice and explore better ways of working. It also provides confidential support to LGBT+ staff and their managers.
The Group provides information on what is happening on LGBT+ issues within the Trust and beyond and provides advice and support to staff and offers networking opportunities throughout the Trust and its partner organisations.
The Network is supported by a number of ‘Allies’, who are committed to making LGBT+ Equality a reality for all of our staff, service users, carers and diverse communities.
For more information and/or to join contact lgbtstaffnetwork@nottshc.nhs.uk
The Disabled Staff Network provides an opportunity for staff and Involvement Volunteers with a disability and/or long-term condition to share good practice and contribute to policy development as well as networking and support. It also looks at developing and sharing best practice both within the Trust and with partner organisations.
For more information and/or to join contact disabledstaffnetwork@nottshc.nhs.uk.
A Trustwide forum to enable BME staff to share their experiences in a safe space; where they can be heard, but also act as critical friends and supporters of the organisation- all helping to make Nottinghamshire Healthcare a great place to work for all our staff.
The overall aims of the Network are to:
For more information and/or to join contact bmestaffnetwork@nottshc.nhs.uk.
In addition to the above forums, there are 3 Equality and Diversity Steering Groups.
The Steering Groups have a policy focus and help the Trust on its journey to be a provider of world class quality services and a #GreatPlaceToWork.
Further information can be found by contacting EqualityandDiversity@nottshc.nhs.uk