Our Preceptorship Development Programme recognises the importance of welcoming and supporting newly qualified Nurses, Nursing Associates and Allied Health Professionals, and international registered professionals coming to work with us from outside the UK, as they integrate into their workplace.
It provides structured support to build on confidence and competence as you transition from a student to autonomous practitioner.
Newly qualified practitioners are supported according to their own learning needs, given time to identify those needs and have opportunities for reflection and feedback through individualised support.
At Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust, we offer a flexible preceptorship period dependent on the needs of the preceptee. Preceptorship commences on joining the organisation or receiving your PIN and can range from 12 months to 24 months.
At Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust we are committed to supporting all Nurses, Nursing Associates, Allied Health P rofessionals , and international registered professionals, who are in a period of preceptorship.
We will ensure that during your transition into your new post that you are given the highest quality support and guidance so that you feel professionally supported and enabled to provide excellent standards of care going forward from the very first day of employment.
It is our standard that all preceptees should expect the following fundamental elements of preceptorship:
Your preceptorship programme should be individual to you and will include: