If you're interested in a career in Nursing, Medicine, Allied Health, Corporate or Support Services, but are not sure if it's for you, or not sure where to start, then doing some Work experience with us could be just the thing.
Work Experience is for all ages, not just for school children, and can be a great way for anyone who is wanting to join the NHS to gain some exposure, experience and knowledge of the area or role they would like to work before applying for a job.
There are age stipulations of 18 years and over for some of our service areas, with acknowledgement that some of our environments can be distressing. Across all of our work experience and placement opportunities we prioritise the emotional safety and wellbeing of all parties.
We offer Work experience placements across all areas, both clinical and non-clinical, and it can be from as little as one day up to one week.
Take our careers quiz | Health Careers - To find the NHS careers that best suit you, all you need to do is answer some simple questions.
NHS Careers - For more information about working for the NHS and to explore roles and careers.
Step Into The NHS - For more information on how to get started in a career in the NHS or on the training and study needed to qualify for different jobs.
Roles and career pathways - View Roles and career pathways within Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust.
NHS Cadets - As an NHS Cadet, young people learn about life in healthcare from inspiring professionals.
Remote Work Experience Packages - These learning packages have been developed for individuals considering a career in health. There are 9 individual packages covering different topics with interactive tasks to help you learn in depth.
Become an NHS Volunteer - Discover how you can make an impact on the experience of patients, their families and the NHS.
The King's Trust - Provides 16 to 30-year-olds with free training courses, mentoring, and funding to help them find a job in healthcare.
Become a Nurse - Advice on beginning your nursing career.
AHPs4Notts - The Nottinghamshire Allied Health Professions (AHP) Faculty provides information relating to Allied Health Professionals.
Studying Healthcare - Everything that you need to know about applying to study medicine, dentistry or pharmacy at a UK university.
Pharmacy Workforce Faculty - Pharmacy Workforce Faculty provides information relating to Pharmacy careers.
Observe GP - For an alternative to work experience for aspiring medics aged 16 and over.
Doctor You - Doctor You has been set up by NHS England, to encourage more people to consider a career in medicine.
BSMS Virtual Work Experience - This course provides a 'virtual' work experience for those looking to apply to medical school.
Psychological Professions - A career map for the Psychological Professions.
Career Options in the People Professions - Explore career areas within the people profession, and the typical activities you may find yourself doing.
To apply for work experience please visit the CARE4Notts (Careers Academy Representing Everyone).