The Medical Education Unit (MEU) functions within the grounds of Highbury Hospital. Plans are in progress to develop a satellite unit based at Millbrook Mental Health Unit in Mansfield by the end of 2024.
We are committed to improving the working lives of our Junior Doctors and Medical Students. We have an active Junior Doctor forum that meets monthly chaired by the Guardian of Safe Working and attended by the DME, Medical Staffing, and representatives of the BMA. Anything from the quality of the bed in the on-call room to the flickering light around the hospital site can be discussed here.
The central library for the Trust is based at Duncan Macmillan House with satellite units based at Rampton Hospital and Wathwood Hospital. You can freely access resources from the library during your time with the Trust. Besides being able to borrow books, library services offer evidence search service and digital skills training amongst other things. Further information can be found here.
There is a hot desking space with computers and a selection of books within the Medical Education Unit that can be accessed by Junior Doctors and Medical Students.
The Medical Education Unit also has its own kitchen space with tea, coffee making facilities, microwave, refrigerator, and a dishwasher. This is exclusively used by the unit staff, Junior Doctors, and Medical Students.