For some in foundation and GP training, this could be your only experience of Psychiatry. At Nottinghamshire Healthcare we recognise this and offer bespoke teaching and support to make your training time with us a valuable and memorable experience.
As a GP / Foundation Trainee in Nottingham, you may be based at Highbury Hospital, the main general adult psychiatric hospital. However, there are also GP / Foundation trainees based at Hopewood Hospital, Millbrook Unit, and other community hubs throughout Nottinghamshire.
Teaching can be split in to groups and you will often be taught with your peers. There are weekly teaching sessions starting with a case presentation, where junior doctors will present an interesting case to the group. This is a great opportunity to learn about interesting cases and take part in discussions. Following this we have a journal club presentation, where an article is chosen and presented by junior doctors. Again, this is a great opportunity to discuss and keep up to date with the latest research and interesting findings. For Nottingham based doctors, these take place on a Wednesday morning. For Mansfield doctors, these sessions are held on Monday afternoons.
There is also a teaching programme set up (for an hour on the third Wednesday of every month) to help GP and Foundation Trainees develop their understanding of general psychiatry. These are case based discussion sessions led by core trainees. Higher trainees also attend and will observe and complete an assessment of teaching for the core trainee.
To aid with our child and adolescent experience we have teaching sessions run by a child and adolescent consultant. This is a great opportunity to discuss cases or questions which arise during on calls. Often cases are presented, which can be a useful opportunity to learn from real life examples and dsicuss specifics of child and adolescent psychiatry.
As a Foundation doctor you will be timetabled to attend at least two consultation / clinical skills sessions. The aim of these sessions is to enable you hone the communication skills in a non-threatening safe learning environment through simulation.
Your clinical supervisor and educational supervisor will be your main point of contact. However, there are other members within the Trust with whom you can raise your concerns to:
GP Tutor
Tuhina Lloyd
Email: tuhina.lloyd@nottshc.nhs.uk
Foundation Programme Tutor
Peter Cutajar
Email: peter.cutajar@nottshc.nhs.uk
Medical Education Manager
Tracey Clarke
Email: tracey.clarke@nottshc.nhs.uk
Guardian of Safeworking Hours
James Ellison
Email: james.ellison@nhs.net
Director of Medical Education
Kehinde Junaid
Email: kehinde.junaid@nottshc.nhs.uk