Nottinghamshire Healthcare is committed to ensure every employee has the means to be heard, raise a concern, ask a question or make a suggestion.
Our Trust's values promote the importance of collaborative working and ensuring that all employees are able to contribute to the Five Year Forward Strategy, to their workplaces, the services we offer, and the Trust as a whole.
Freedom to Speak Up Champions within all areas of our Trust your workplace or directorate/locality for further support and advice to provide a confidential service to discuss raise concerns or questions.
I am your Freedom to Speak Up Guardian. I help to make Freedom to speak up business as usual. Freedom to Speak Up Guardians were set up in 2016 following the recommendations of Sir Francis Report (2015) which revealed failings at Mid-Staffordshire NHS. Freedom to Speak up is about protecting patient safety and improvement of quality of care. It is also about improvement of the experience of workers and promoting learning. While my role is independent from all Trust structures, l work with various stakeholders to develop a positive speaking up culture within the Trust; helping to address barriers to speaking up and ensuring issues raised are used as opportunities for learning and improvement. Should you find anything getting in your way of providing effective care for patients or you have suggestions for improvement FTSUP Guardian provide an alternative route for you to speaking up!
Before taking the role of FTSUP, l worked for the Trust as a staff nurse in Forensic division. Prior to joining the nursing profession, l had worked as a secondary school teacher for many years and had the experience of lecturing in FE colleges. I have also worked as a support worker in children’s services and learning disabilities. Having always enjoyed working with and supporting others, l believe my passion about speaking up is a by-product of these experiences. Listening and empathy comes natural to me. My hobbies include walking and sewing. I also enjoy ironing clothes, which I find therapeutic.