Occupational Health (OH) is a confidential service which focuses on the health of staff in the workplace. They provide their services and support, with the aim of keeping staff well and at work, as well as supporting staff when they are ill.
OH can offer advice to staff and their managers on what adjustments can be made to enable staff to undertake their role safely and effectively and wherever possible, focus on adapting the work to suit the health needs of the staff member.
The Occupational Health Service for Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is provided by the in-house occupational health team, based at Duncan MacMillan House and Rampton Hospital sites, with satellite clinics across our full geographical footprint.
The occupational health service provide a proactive and responsive service to support the health, wellbeing and safety of our workforce.
An individual may be referred or self-refer to OH where there is concern about their health, performance (where there may be health implications) or level of sickness absence. An assessment by an OH Practitioner can provide objective information that can assist management in addressing these issues.
Referral reasons, examples: