Training and development

At Nottinghamshire Healthcare, we believe that high quality education and training is essential to the future development of healthcare delivery within the NHS. As an organisation we provide and deliver a comprehensive range of learning and development offers, to meet service and individual needs, based around the Six Cs of Care (Care; Compassion; Competence; Communication; Courage and Commitment) 

This model of learning and development ensures that our employees gain the right knowledge, skills and attitude to be competent in their roles, providing safe, high quality care for our patients, service users and carers. 

By encouraging and supporting the professional development of our staff the high standard of care of our patients and service users be maintained and continually improved. 

We encourage and support the professional development and provide a vast array of modules and courses to be accessed by our staff, including:


Learning, Culture and Organisational Development

Learning, Culture and Organisational Development cycle

Essential training

  • Induction
  • Core and role specific training
  • Clinical training
  • Physical healthcare training
  • Care Certificate

Work based learning

  • Work experience
  • Apprenticeships
  • Pre and post-graduate development
  • Preceptorship
  • Peer support

Continued professional development

  • Clinical and non-clinical professional development
  • Careers and developmental pathways including HCA, admin and band 5 / 6

Leadership, management and team development

  • Leadership Forum
  • Leadership development programmes
  • Management Essentials
  • Organisational development
  • Coaching and mentoring

Culture and engagement

  • The People Promise
  • Engagement events
  • Staff survey
  • Trust values and behaviours
  • Staff benefits

Essential Training and Induction

All Trust staff will receive a robust Trust and Local induction. These will cover things such as resuscitation, safeguarding and infection control and is designed to ensure that staff are knowledgeable and informed about the Trust and local departmental requirements including work role, health, safety and welfare and policy and procedure. All staff also have access to essential training packages through our online portal.

Integrated Clinical Skills

Our Clinical Skills Education is a suite of training that is designed to develop the knowledge and clinical skills of healthcare staff through a combination of theory based masterclasses and work based learning.

Following this the learner will work towards achieving competency assessed skills relevant to their role and responsibilities. They will be mentored in the work place by a registered practitioner who will provide guidance, observation and supervision to enable the learner to enhance their skills and deliver safe evidence based practice.

Leadership, Management and Talent

Leadership and management development has been a signature strength of Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and plays a central role in maintaining and growing leadership and management potential and facilitating leadership career pathways. 

Development Opportunities include:

  • Leadership and management training, workshops, and programmes
  • Personal development activities
  • Leadership Support Circles
  • Coaching
  • Bespoke leadership and management development activities
  • Vision 27 Management Programme
  • Leadership Modules Level 6 or Level 7
  • Management and Leadership Apprenticeship Level 7

Core Skills and Band 2-4 Development

As an organisation we firmly believe in and promote a culture of lifelong learning and Talent Management to aid both the professional and personal development of our staff. They are our greatest asset and with the right values and correct training deliver the quality care to our service users.

As a Trust we employ a large number of non-clinical and non-registered staff, most of whom fall within Bands 2–4. This group of staff provide key support to our central functions including Human Resources, Finance, IT, Admin, Hotel Services and Estates to name some of them. These individuals provide the infrastructure and support, and very often are key to the smooth running of our services and engagement with clients. Learning and development for these groups of staff is seen as important, and has not been overlooked.

  • Business and Administration
  • Cleaning Principles
  • Customer Service
  • Functional Skills for Maths and English
  • Heath & Social Care Diplomas (Adult and Children)
  • Hospitality and Catering
  • Information Technology

National Care Certificate Programme

The National Care Certificate Programme is designed for clinical staff who are currently in post at a Band 2-4. 

Every Health Care Support Worker will be supported to complete The Care Certificate on joining the Trust. The Care Certificate is made up of 15 minimum standards that define the knowledge, skills and behaviours expected of job roles in healthcare.

Training Nursing Associate Programme

Nursing Associates work with care assistants and Registered Nurses to deliver hands-on care across the full continuum of assessment, planning, implementing and evaluating care. Nursing Associates bridge the gap between care assistants and Registered Nurses, complementing the care provided by both. The role also offers career progression opportunities for existing NHS staff and contributes to the integration and transformation agenda.

Training to become a Nursing Associate is via an apprenticeship so involves work-based learning and University attendance and will provide opportunities to develop, learn, work and apply knowledge and skills to practice.

The degree takes 27 months to complete, with 2300 hours of structured learning and 460/600 hours of placement (dependant on university) in a variety of specialisms.

This programme is a fantastic development opportunity,  and is open to all substantive and bank staff working within a clinical role at Band 2,3,4 meeting the academic requirements to apply to the scheme.

Once qualified you will work as a Band 4 Registered Nursing Associate.

Managerial Supervision

Management supervision is a regular one to one meeting between the line manager and employee in order to meet professional and personal objectives. Supervision forms a key part of individual performance management and is the foundation on which appraisal is built. These sessions are there to support staff and build on existing skills and knowledge appropriate to their role.

Clinical Supervision

The Trust supports our Staff through the provision of clinical supervision for all staff working in direct patient care is central to safe and effective practise to encourage reflective experiences and continued professional development to achieve best practice.  

Clinical supervision seeks to provide an environment in which participants have the opportunity to reflect, evaluate and develop their own clinical practice and provide a support system for one another.

E-Learning for Healthcare

All staff at Nottinghamshire Healthcare have access to e-learning for Healthcare, which offers over 400 elearning programmes in collaboration with organisations including Royal Colleges, Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and NHS Improvement and Public Health England.