
Notts Healthcare colleagues go above and beyond to help COPD patient after a fall

Dawn with staff members Emmie and Vanessa

Dawn from Hucknall was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) last year, and alongside medication she started attending a rehabilitation group, run by Nottinghamshire Healthcare. 

Dawn said: The programme was great, everyone was really nice and friendly. They'd help with anything you needed to know. It was also an opportunity to get out the house, meet other people in similar situations, hear their stories, and get support from others going through a similar situation.

During one of these pulmonary rehabilitation groups Dawn unfortunately had a fall, and colleagues at Nottinghamshire Healthcare quickly jumped into action to help her, and ensure she was able to avoid a hospital visit.

Dawn said: 

As well as COPD, I have arthritis as well, I have good days and bad, and on that day whilst at the class, my knee just gave way. It was a very unpleasant experience. 

I thought, what am I going to do now. I'd never experienced anything like that before. I'm a full time carer for my husband so I was worried about him as well. I really wanted to avoid having to go to hospital. I'm so grateful for all the team did to support me.

Vanessa Holmes, Senior Community Respiratory Physiotherapist, was leading the class and when Dawn had the fall, she assessed her and ensured she was clinically stable, and after a risk assessment it was deemed safe to move her. However, mobility equipment was needed to safely transfer Dawn from the church hall to her daughter's car. 

Despite being at the end of her shift with lots of notes still to write from the day, Emmie Chiweshe, Senior Community Occupational Therapist - Virtual Ward Team, offered to help straight away and agreed to meet at the hall with some mobility equipment. 

Emmie was able to assist in helping Vanessa to assess the patient's mobility and safely with extra equipment, they were able to get the patient into her daughter's car.  

They met Dawn and her daughter at her home, where Emmie was able to complete a home visit assessment to enable the Dawn to manage at home safely. Emmie ordered extra equipment to enable her to manage independently at home and it arrived the next day, which she was very grateful for. She was also referred to the urgent care team for ongoing support at home. They also arranged for a First Contact Physio to further assess the injury, therefore avoiding a hospital admission and waiting in A+E altogether. 

Amy Eagle, Care Group Director of Community Health and Specialist Services said:

We're really proud of Emmie, Vanessa and the team for all they did to help Dawn. They are really dedicated to providing excellent patient care in their day-to-day roles, and this is just one example of them going above and beyond to ensure patients get the care they need. Well done all.

Dawn's family were so grateful for the help she received. Dawn said: My daughter thanked everyone, it's nice when people go that extra mile for you. When someone you love needs help. you just want to know they are being well cared for and I definitely felt that I was that day, and so did my family.  

Vanessa said: If it wasn't for Emmie's positivity, can do attitude, and exemplary levels of care, the outcome for the patient could have been very different. Emmie is an absolute star, a true asset to the virtual ward team, representing the epitome of trust values and she demonstrated outstanding levels of care.

Patients who have a confirmed long term lung condition and find that breathlessness is limiting them in their day to day activities can request a referral to pulmonary rehabilitation through their practice nurse or GP.




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