We provide the podiatry service across Nottinghamshire county, at various venues including health centres, community hospitals, nursing and residential care homes, patients' own homes, prisons and acute hospital sites.
The team is made up of podiatrists (including specialist and advanced podiatrists, team leads and clinical leads), podiatry assistants and administrative support.
The department provides the assessment, diagnosis, and management of:
- High risk foot problems (including Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Peripheral Arterial Disease)
- Problematic nail conditions (including nail surgery)
- Painful/debilitating MSK lower limb complaints (including orthotic devices, US guided cortisone injections, physical therapies)
We also work closely with 3 acute hospital trusts providing podiatry services as part of the diabetes Multi-Disciplinary Foot Team.
Podiatric Surgery
The podiatric surgery team provide elective day case foot surgery in specialised community based operating theatres working under local anaesthetic. The team consists of podiatric surgeons (consultant surgeons and specialist registrars), surgical trainees, podiatrists, theatre support workers, operating department practitioner, and administrative support.
The podiatric surgery team specialise in the assessment, diagnosis, and surgical management of complex foot disorders, including Hallux Valgus, Hallux limitus / rigidus, hammer toe deformity, neuroma.
We also work collaboratively with acute hospital trusts to provide podiatric surgery services as part of the diabetes Multi-Disciplinary Foot Team.