Speech and language therapists

We employ over 135 speech and language therapists (SLTs) working across diverse services from children to adults with both acquired and developmental conditions. Our work includes prevention and promotion across universal, targeted and specialist settings.

We work collaboratively and can provide you with a range of experiences from children's centers, schools and colleges, to hospital settings in acute and secondary care, learning disabilities, mental health, offender health and forensic services. We provide many of the speech and language therapy services in Nottingham City and County, including Bassetlaw.

Whatever the care group, specialism or geographical area we are committed to working together with service users, their families and carers as well as staff and professionals who support them, to ensure better lives for people with communication and swallowing needs.

Speech and language therapists across the Trust are involved in a range of continuing professional development, research and audit opportunities. We are actively engaged with the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, with key roles including advisors. All SLTs are members of the East Midlands Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists hub, and many are also members of regional and national clinical excellence networks.